There’s nothing like a lazy sprawl on a reclining deck chair on a sunny August afternoon, a tall glass of lemonade in one hand and
Read our regular columns on Faith Matters, Big Questions, Christian apologetics, Shiao Chong's monthly Editorial, the Discover page (especially for kids), the Vantage Point, the Other Six, and letters from Christian Reformed Church members and our readers. Our online-only columns are As I Was Saying and Behind the Banner.
Two youngsters were closely examining bathroom scales on display at the department store.
It’s the middle of summer, and chances are the weather outside is HOT.
"So when are you ‘flock-worthy’?” a friend asked me.
Lost it at synod this year.
No, it’s not what you think. I wasn’t mad. I was overjoyed. But it showed too much.
The pastor in Phil the barber’s village had a fiery sermon on witnessing: “We all have to be soul-winners!”
Conventional wisdom suggests that “silence is golden”—a saying that no doubt originated with
Identity theft is something that most of us associate with credit cards and the Internet.
Did you know that bats live near you?
Q My church has too many meetings! Can technology help?
O Canada
Just a reaction to Rev. Bob De Moor’s comments about “Language Matters” in the May editorial.
A recent Banner article answered a question from a person who received an advance on her inheritance to meet a current need (November 200
Now and then my job allows me to read or tell stories to children.
I get more impatient as I age.
Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.
It stands to reason that sex education begins at birth.
Climate Controversy
The April Banner reported the signing of a climate change declaration written by evangelical leaders from aro
In his Banner article “Got Religion?” (January 2010), Rev.
Got a photo of something funny related to Reformed history, culture, or tradition? Got a funny story or joke?
Q I volunteer at my church as well as work and attend to my family.
Do you know any shepherds? No? If you lived in Israel in Bible times, you’d see shepherds and sheep all the time.
I’ve thought a lot about God’s covenant promises since becoming a grandmother six years ago.
It’s a fine challenge to be a bi-national denomination.
Aman called 911 and frantically exclaimed, “Quick, quick, send an ambulance. My wife’s having a baby.