Ronald was a 13-year-old student at the Christian school in Houston, B.C. His sudden death sent shockwaves throughout the northwest Central Interior of the province.
Read our regular columns on Faith Matters, Big Questions, Christian apologetics, Shiao Chong's monthly Editorial, the Discover page (especially for kids), the Vantage Point, the Other Six, and letters from Christian Reformed Church members and our readers. Our online-only columns are As I Was Saying and Behind the Banner.
It’s calming to know that Psalm 91 promises to give us what we so desperately need. … However, there is a major problem with Psalm 91.
Our restless, hurry-addicted culture has not taught us how to create hospitable environments for deep growth.
I feel that there is a fundamental misunderstanding in these questions about how to know God’s existence or goodness. It’s in the verb “to know.”
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As a 6-year-old, I depended on God and his angels to help me across the ice.
Frost is a unique and beautiful aspect of creation.
Our Lord and Savior was an ordinary guy who did ordinary work for most of his life.
Scripture calls us to speak the truth in love (Eph. 4:15). I believe this means speaking the truth not only with loving intent, but also in loving, kind, and gentle ways.
The truth is that we may say with our lips that we love the Lord and that he is our treasure, yet our hearts may be far from jim.
If you believe that people go immediately to heaven when they die, do you think it might have been a bit cruel to Lazarus for Jesus to bring him back to life?
When I mentioned to a friend that I think everyone should find a job they love, he responded that some people just need to make a living. Is this a cop-out?
One of the things I’m (re)learning is that fasting is one of the most helpful disciplines for listening to God and discerning his will during difficult or divided times.
The Reformed doctrine of the clarity of Scripture teaches that what is necessary for salvation is clear in Scripture. It does not teach that everything in Scripture is clear and easy to understand.
Christian, oh Christian … What lies are you believing?
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Our telescopes create more questions than answers. But they certainly elicit a response.
I learned a lesson recently: the art of asking, in the face of seemingly impossible obstacles, “What can I do?” This takes my focus from the barriers to what is possible.
God designed water to be a super dissolver! In fact, scientists call water a “universal solvent” because it can dissolve more things than any other kind of natural liquid.
Purity seems to have been reduced to something optional in our modern idea of Christianity. But is it?
When I was first preparing to adopt 14 years ago, I cherished the idea that love was what was most needed. My heart fought back when the instructor of our pre-adoption classes warned that love is not enough.
The story of the Gävle in Sweden helps us see that since the very beginning, Christmas has been under siege. In large and small ways, we’re all guilty of shooting flaming arrows.
What does “going to church” have to do with being missional?