One thing we have learned over the years—too often the hard way...
Read our regular columns on Faith Matters, Big Questions, Christian apologetics, Shiao Chong's monthly Editorial, the Discover page (especially for kids), the Vantage Point, the Other Six, and letters from Christian Reformed Church members and our readers. Our online-only columns are As I Was Saying and Behind the Banner.
Bless your heart, preach it!
There isn’t really any way to prepare one’s heart for a horrific tragedy.
Back in the South African apartheid era, I helped organize anti-apartheid efforts in our local community in Michigan.
I appreciate your dedication to bringing the Word every Sunday.
I’ve always known that you can’t get cleaned up for church, so to speak;
Is it right to use funds gained through gambling for things of God’s kingdom?
A friend recently asked me, “Is Reformed theology for black people?”
In the recent high-profile cases of film studio executive Harvey Weinstein and other men in high-profile positions,
In my retirement I am pastoring a Presbyterian congregation.
The tone of my own encounters with North Koreans was quite different when I visited there six years ago.
Since doing justice involves systemic issues, it often enters the sphere of political laws and policies.
Quick question: what do a skunk’s stripes, a sheep’s wool, a walrus’s whiskers, and a porcupine’s quills all have in common?
While I appreciate the desire to include everyone, sometimes our services suffer because of inexperienced or unskilled musicians.
Many people have heard about the need for foster parents. But probably fewer have thought much about the needs of foster parents.
In the final weeks of my mom’s life, she made me a promise.
Thank you for publishing “The Emotional Lives of Men”.
We do not have many children in our church. Our volunteers are wondering if it is worth their time and the church’s resources to have a Sunday school class with only one or two children.
When new people come to my church, I am nervous their presence will change what I like about my church. Any advice?
A few years ago my wife and I took a five-week road trip.
Lord, are you the one? Who summons a friend when darkness descends and hope is lost, and we need someone to talk to?
Darlene Zschech wrote a beautiful hymn some 20 years ago called “The Potter’s Hand” that is still sung in congregations today.
We’re looking for funny church signs and bulletin bloopers.