When the United States celebrated the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970, I was a young faculty member at Calvin College in Michigan, in my second year of full-time teaching.
Read our regular columns on Faith Matters, Big Questions, Christian apologetics, Shiao Chong's monthly Editorial, the Discover page (especially for kids), the Vantage Point, the Other Six, and letters from Christian Reformed Church members and our readers. Our online-only columns are As I Was Saying and Behind the Banner.
Consistent in its absence is any sense from the church that the gospel has anything to say to this moment in time and the myriad of other times people of color are mistreated simply because, well, they exist.
One possible reason for strained relationships between pastors and churches is the tendency of churches to put their pastors on a pedestal.
People can definitely gamble with their money at the stock market, but that is not what it is intended to do.
The guidebook described the lakeside campground as one of the great family destinations in California if you don’t mind the drive.
The school shooting in Parkland, Fla., reminds us of the epidemic of gun violence in the United States.
Thank you, thank you. I noticed “Punch Lines” is missing from the revamped Banner.
Though there may be a long road ahead, we can have hope in knowing that Christ gives us freedom. Because of Christ, we can be part of something outside of ourselves.
One word and she knew him.
As a faith-based journalistic ministry, our faith-shaped perspectives should influence all that we publish.
He validated his agnosticism by naming all the ways “the church” and “Christianity” had hurt people . . .
Every October our church has a Stewardship Sunday with a sermon about giving money to the church.
The weathered and white-haired Christian Reformed elder says to my father, “This is the true church!”
The Christian Reformed Church needs an official position on gun culture.
The Cleveland and Akron churches will always remember the ministry of Rev. Emmitt A. Harrison.
On March 6, 1957, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was in Accra.
With more than 2 billion users worldwide, what could possibly be wrong with Facebook, the free social media service invented to bring us closer to each other?
It’s spring, and that means there’s a lot of building going on.
In this situation your instinct guided you, and I'm very glad you acted on it.
A red heart catches my eye.
Some people may wonder what we as Canadian members of the Christian Reformed Church have done that requires reconciliation with Indigenous people.
What if I make the wrong career choices?
On the day Billy Graham died and we remembered his life and message, high school kids in Florida were speaking out about gun control.