The abundant life God extends to us in Jesus Christ is much more than a personal holiness of avoiding overt sins.
Read our regular columns on Faith Matters, Big Questions, Christian apologetics, Shiao Chong's monthly Editorial, the Discover page (especially for kids), the Vantage Point, the Other Six, and letters from Christian Reformed Church members and our readers. Our online-only columns are As I Was Saying and Behind the Banner.
If my prayer is answered, I want to plant a church in my parents’ hometown so that I can share the gospel with everyone. I want to tell people there is a Home far more precious than our own hometowns.
We say it takes a village to raise a child, so what do we do when we no longer live in villages?
Uncombed gray hair falling down over wild eyes. The stench of the streets on unkempt clothes. He ordered coffee and sat in the booth next to me.
Numb by Natalie Shires. Grade 12, Covenant Day School, Matthews, N.C., a member of Christian Schools International.
Where does God live? Our quick and easy answer is almost dismissive of the question but at the same time almost staggers us with its implications.
Ah, for a magic formula into which you could plug your distinctive set of circumstances...
Billy Graham’s example of working across Christian divisions to fulfill God’s mission inspires us to do likewise.
When the self is filled with self there is no room for God.
Warm summer nights can feel magical.
All members of the body of Christ are called to be filled with the Holy Spirit, grow in the fruit of the Spirit, and both receive from and contribute to other members of their communities.
All the darkness and evil in the world cannot overcome God’s light of life with which Christians are called to shine.
Darlene and I attended the same church from birth. Yet I didn’t really notice her until she was a teenager and her swollen arm was in a sling because of a bee sting.
The Christian community remains strangely silent about mental health issues.
You raise an issue that has been wrenchingly difficult for many in our denomination. We still don’t see eye to eye on it.
Do we need to consider a digital-device detox?
The most poignant and thought provoking "go-to" writings in The Banner are, for me, those of editor-in-chief Shiao Chong.
It is time we determine whether our faith is shaping our politics or our politics has been shaping our faith.
It was one of those oppressively gloomy mornings—the kind where it’s difficult to rouse yourself from sleep,
What congregations can do―and avoid doing—when they’re in a transition zone.
Children this age are exciting but also challenging and tiring.
My paintings explore the process and cycle of abuse based on my experiences and those of many others. Each painting has its own theme: “Abuse,” “Aftermath,” “Recovery,” and “Cycle.”
Christians have asked this question since the early church.
I’m sure you have encountered the brokenness of relationships, governments, and society. It would easy to throw your hands up and never leave your home.