God created the world to work in certain ways and follow certain rules. The sun rises and sets. Seasons come and go.
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The Bingham girls and their siblings attended a segregated school to which they were transported daily in the back of a pickup truck, rain or shine, 20 miles each way.
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Libertas Christian School made headlines this past November for maintaining a staunch opposition to statewide mask mandates in Michigan.
Does being overwhelmed by my job mean I’ve mistaken my calling or am doing something wrong?
In my view, the term “pro-life” should encompass the protection of all human life from all causes—not just abortion.
The sunlight zone is the part of the ocean that is closest to the shore and gets the most sunlight.
There are still those who believe that those with depression or other mental illnesses should “pray it away” rather than take medication.
Emotions run high in the U.S. among Trump supporters and even higher among those who favor Biden, at least in the city where I live.
A couple in our church is unsure about infant baptism and has asked for their child to be dedicated instead. Is that OK?
To some extent, the sky's the limit, if you choose to take to the skies. However, most of us stick to what is comfortable and safe and secure.
‘Evangelism’ has often been reduced to a simple formula that ‘the other’ is invited to accept and believe.
“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” Frodo laments in The Fellowship of the Ring.
The congregation started to rise—just a few at first. No one really knew how people would respond to this new idea: a reminder of our baptism that involved standing up, breaching the intimacy of touch, and having water placed on our foreheads. How comfortable would people be?
From where I stand, I can see a chicken farmer, an entrepreneur, someone who uses a wheelchair, a university professor, an elderly widow, and a homeschooling mom.
Indigenous and Native peoples of North America used every part of the buffalo when they killed one. This got me thinking of spiritual matters.
As a Reformed Christian, I cling to the unconditionality of God’s grace, by which my sins are forgiven.
A rock perched on a cliff has lots of potential energy, as does a spring that is tightly wound.
Loving our neighbors means prioritizing the wellbeing of others over our own interests, regardless of the social gap between us.
What do I say to young adults in my family when they say they have left the church because they were hurt by the church?
As a middle-Eastern Jewish carpenter living on the road, Jesus certainly wasn't the light-skinned, rosy-cheeked man with kempt, flowing, brown locks traipsing through the pages of my childhood Bible.
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The myth of “the one” says the universe has picked out one special person for you, a soulmate perfectly crafted to meet your every need and fit your every curve of character.
Why is this movie relevant? First, it is a lovely reminder that God creates whole ecosystems based on diversity.