Migration is mysterious and amazing.
Read our regular columns on Faith Matters, Big Questions, Christian apologetics, Shiao Chong's monthly Editorial, the Discover page (especially for kids), the Vantage Point, the Other Six, and letters from Christian Reformed Church members and our readers. Our online-only columns are As I Was Saying and Behind the Banner.
I know Sunday mornings are not the peaceful, relaxed times that so many of your friends enjoy.
From north to south and east to west the people in power in Canada and the U.S. historically have failed to see others in the image of God.
In the wake of multiple announcements of discoveries of unmarked graves at former Canadian residential schools for Indigenous children, waves of agony have crashed across the country.
I remembered learning that if someone isn't speaking your love language, they can love you, but you won’t feel it.
An estimated 150,000 children went through the residential school system, most of them traumatized and abused.
The sexual revolution that started in the 1960s is now as pervasive and inescapable as the popup ads on our computer screens. Almost no home or family or person has been unaffected by it.
A poem for these troubled times.
I never experienced the God of rest until my junior year of college. I was sitting alongside the sandy shores of Lake Michigan and trying to not have an anxiety attack.
If Christians would again lead the way in prioritizing social responsibilities over personal rights, it could serve as a counter to the potential “fall of Christianity” in the global North.
지난 5월 브리티쉬 콜롬비아 캠룹스에 있는 원주민 어린이 기숙학교 부지에서 215구의 무명의 어린이 시체가 묻힌 것이 발견된 소식이 캐나다를 뒤흔들었습니다.
Throughout the Bible, stars are often used as a reminder of God’s awesome power shown through his beautiful and awe-inspiring creation.
As an Indigenous person who was adopted into a white family and then connected with my birth family and community later on in life, I’ve learned some important lessons.
With the pandemic winding down, we need a few basic godly goals to help us serve.
Jesus demonstrated how eternity could look by taking seriously people’s needs here on earth.
I look back with amazement at these four decades and find that I am still traveling, living often as a foreigner and stranger.
Though our representation may be flawed, Christ can turn our weakness into his strength.
Writer Charles C. Camosy echoes a call to courage for pro-life constituents to stand "clearly and firmly for prenatal justice regardless of the political consequences."
“An independent, nonprofit, and award-winning source of global news on religion, spirituality, culture, and ethics,” Religion 㽶Ƶ Service is a helpful way to keep Banner readers informed.
Nature has the power to draw us out of ourselves.
Both nature and Scripture are God’s revelation, giving unique insights into God.
The real work in the church, just as in a family, is staying connected when things get hard, even if it gets painful.
My family and I are choosing to trust that the COVID-19 vaccine is a gift from God and the best way forward.
Donna was still on our minds. What was motivating her to stay on that bench? How could we help her? Did she need or want help?