It seems as though Mr. DuMez believes his views are rooted in a “literal” reading of Genesis 1 (“”). But why should this be?
Discovering the “literal” meaning of a biblical text does not necessarily mean approaching it with straightforward chronological assumptions. “Literal” in its traditional sense refers to “the original intent of the author.” Even Augustine in The Literal Meaning of Genesis recognized this, concluding that a faithful exegesis of need not demand a six 24-hour day creation period. Furthermore, one can hardly suggest that Augustine (writing in a.d . 415), was motivated by a compromising pressure to “accommodate” Scripture with our current scientific theories!
—Jon VanHulzen
Lynden, Wash.
Regarding “”, I wish to comment that the author mixes truth with unverifiable data: “. . . the discovery of a 68-million-year-old dinosaur in Alberta”; “. . . hold a 30-million-year-old fossil”; “. . . hike into a meteor crater that is 50 thousand years old,” etc.
This is science? Unfortunately many people aren’t aware of how truth and unverifiable data are mixed like this and simply accept it because of the truth elements.
—Julia Dieterman
Fort Worth, Texas
Re “!” by Henry Wildeboer.
“Perhaps our denomination is in need of revival.”
A Holy Spirit revival in the Christian Reformed Church?
Yes, please!
—Alic Anderson
Calgary, Alberta
In his article “” Henry Wildeboer talks about the decline in CRC membership from 316,000 in 1992 to 245,000 in 2014. He asks, “Where do we look for a road map that can lead us out of this morass?”
Pastor Wildeboer had some great suggestions for the church and the members. It seems to me he is talking to the members who are still attending, but will his suggestions reach the “lost sheep”?
In the Reformed churches, we used to have a rich and strong tradition of family visits by the pastor and elders. In many churches this practice has fallen out of favor. Could part of the solution be bringing back this practice? Active members can grow stronger through personal contact. Inactive members could be contacted to find out the reasons for their withdrawal and to indicate that they are missed. A loving contact, including Scripture and prayer, can be made in the home or coffee shop.
—Bram Wiersma
Grimsby, Ontario
Revival, yes (“).
In 2013, after many decades, my wife and I became part of the 22 percent that left the CRC. We and others worked hard and prayed continuously for a revival in our church. Sadly it wasn’t to be. For years our energies had been consumed by the existing congregation. We finally had to connect with other Christians to move beyond that.
CRC roots and doctrine run deep, though. Will we be transplanted back into the CRC at some point?
Looking forward to the revival. . . .
—Raymond Drost
Queensville, Ontario
“” notes that the CRC has lost 71,000 members in the last 22 years. It is critical to remember what caused that loss. Most was due to the CRC’s acceptance of women in the offices of elder and pastor on shaky grounds. We are now faced with a very similar situation: the homosexual agenda.
Will the CRC once again supersede “Thus says the Lord”?
—Neal Vanderwerff
Seattle, Wash.
I have enjoyed reading The Banner for years. The multiple topics throughout the years have provided the church a way to address the questions on many of our minds, which, in turn, continues to provide a forum for the church to discuss multiple subjects.
Additionally, I have always enjoyed the “Punch Lines” humor page containing jokes and comical anecdotes.
—Robert Hoekstra
Grand Rapids, Mich.
Over the last number of months, the humor page has drifted away from punch lines, jokes, laughter, and true humor, and instead we have a number of stories about cute children as told by parents and grandparents. I really miss the real jokes and punch lines.
—Ben Vanderlugt
Komoka, Ontario
All One Body
I’m very disturbed by the 㽶Ƶ article regarding the views of Dr. Amy Plantinga Pauw (“Grand Rapids Event Advocates Full Participation of Practicing Gay Church Members,” Nov. 2014). Her statement that “ideas written then do not necessarily equate to the human experience now” seems to put into question the inerrancy of God’s Word. The example of Paul speaking of men having long hair is very narrow in scope. We need to look at the whole of Scripture. How often is this mandate repeated? I’m able to find many passages in the Old and New Testaments where the practice of homosexuality is spoken against by God in clear language.
We aren’t intended to look at “the human experience now” and try to conform Scripture to that, but just the opposite. As Matthew 5:13 tells us, if “salt loses its saltiness . . . it is no longer good for anything.”
—Nancy VanDerLaan
Comstock Park, Mich.
In the Ministry Report 2014 inserted into the December issue of The Banner, financial information for Calvin College was incomplete; the graphs did not reflect the final, year-end results. For a complete copy of Calvin's audited financial statements, please go to .