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Letters to the Editor: October 2014

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Gateway Drug?

Shaio Chong makes scientific claims in his Q&A on Christians and pot () but fails to provide references like he does for his Bible citations. Specifically he suggests that marijuana is a gateway drug, admittedly without using this term. However, he provides no reference to any specific study. There are persuasive arguments against this, notably the Canadian Senateā€™s September 2002 report on cannabis.

ā€”Adam Postma
Kitchener, Ontario

Shore 2 Shore with a Roar

All hail to those who came with a roar from the pews of Prince Edward Islandā€™s shore (ā€œā€). We are told they are planning stops at 14 churches in two weeks. Why? Because there are no antipornography messsages being heard from the pulpits!

ā€”Jake Prins
Grand Rapids, Mich.

Synod Critiques Banner

It was difficult for me to read the article about a review of the Bannerā€™s mandate (ā€œā€). Iā€™m 33 years old and grew up in the CRC learning about Calvinā€™s theology and keeping an open heart to the needs and thoughts of people in a quickly changing world. I was disappointed to see that two articles relevant to the minds of younger CRC members were thought so irrelevant by church leaders. Itā€™s a small picture of a great problem for the CRC: when you donā€™t feed the flock, the flock looks elsewhere for food.
When will CRC leaders be ready to address real issues for those who are more interested in theology than in the old traditions of an ā€œoldā€ church?

ā€”Stan Hoekstra
Schoolcraft, Mich.

Family Ties

The Bible is continually under attack from science trying to prove a very aged earth through evolution, carbon 14 dating,and now molecular genetics (see ā€œ . I simply reconcile the Bible and molecular genetics by removing a zero, arriving at a timeline of 7,500, 3,500, and 1,700 years. That ā€œsquaresā€ the data for me. God is in charge of the ā€œmolecular clock.ā€

ā€”Allan Stonehouse Jr.
Englewood, Fla.

I advise caution for anyone using the National Geographic Genographic DNA Ancestral kit (ā€œā€). University of Texas anthropologist Deborah Bonick and 14 coauthors have declared the program ā€œfraudulent.ā€

The Banner should be more careful in printing an article suggesting we reconcile two storiesĶ¢ā€•ā€œone written in Scripture and the other in our DNA.ā€ Scripture and psuedoscience cannot be reconciled.

ā€”Mel Mulder
Banning, Calif.

Dating Denominations

When people date, I hope they ask more than simply, ā€œCan we work together?ā€ I hope they also want to know whether they share the same core convictions about life, family, marriage, money, beliefs, etc. Although the Banner editor suggests that simply working and doing ministry together with the is the best way to build unity (ā€œā€), I beg to differ. The best way to do so is to find unity in our deepest convictions (doctrine, confessions, beliefs). If it is possible to get unity at that level with the RCA, then we will have tremendous unity (and energy!) for our mission to the world.

ā€”Johannes Schouten
Burnaby, British Columbia

Reformed Groove

In his article about evangelicals arriving at Neo-Calvinism (ā€œā€), Robert Joustra rightly has driven a spike in the wheel of the injustice done. The wheel is still turning, but we need to be reminded of the importance of our Neo-Calvinistic institutions of higher learning and the Committee for Public Justice with its biblically rooted approach ā€œnot to sanctify poverty but to abolish it.ā€ Sadly the majority of CRCs do not realize that it is only through political channels (CPJ) we can expect a change.

ā€”George Lieuwen
Langley, British Columbia

Infant Baptism

With regard to the article ā€œā€:
In Acts 2:37-39 a man asked Peter what he needed to do to become a Christian. Peter told him to repent, believe, and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins. Then he would receive the Holy Spirit. This is a promise to all who believe. To me, going under the water means dying to sin and coming up means a new life in Christ.

ā€”Marilyn Zeilenga
Demotte, Ind.

Truth and Reconciliation

I appreciate your drawing attention to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the fact that Canadian Christians share in the shameful legacy of residential schools (ā€œā€).
The article states that during the residential school era, ā€œchildren were placed in government-funded, church-run schools.ā€ While church organizations originally operated the schools, on April 1, 1969, the federal government assumed responsibility of the residential school system, officially ending church involvement. Some went on to be managed by First Nations bands. The article also states that the residential school era ended in 1996. However, Lebret Indian Residential School in Saskatchewan closed in 1998.

ā€”Carling Luymes
Kitchener, Ontario

Difficult Change?

Change is not difficult; submission is (ā€œā€).

One thing I noticed growing up in the sixties and seventies in the CRC was that we kept to ourselves. It was as if we were the only ā€œgoodā€ ones and we must be very careful with the ā€œothers.ā€ What we were taught from the pulpit was more history lesson than putting the Bible into our livesā€”religion vs. building a relationship with Jesus/God/Holy Spirit.

If we believe the Bible that we can trust God with our life, then our lives will automatically change; our attitude toward others will be loving and inviting. But this can only happen when we allow God to work through us and with usā€”we must submit. Religion does not save you; receiving and living in Godā€™s grace does.

ā€”Alice Anderson
Calgary, Alberta

Healthy Death

Appreciated what you had to say here (ā€œā€). Is it perhaps time to consider that the CRC as a denomination is nearing its time?

ā€”Jen VanderBeek
Surrey, British Columbia

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