Itâs the perfect time to look for monarch butterflies. In a few more months youâll hear about them migrating long distances. And youâll probably see lots of butterflies. But you wonât be able to spend time with them as theyâre fluttering by.
Right now many monarchs arenât even butterflies: theyâre still caterpillars! Theyâre munching on milkweed, fattening up for the trip to come. That means you can watch them easily, handle themâcarefully!âand later watch their awesome transformation into butterflies.
So take these pages, head outside to a park or field, and begin your hunt for milkweed, monarchs, and more small wonders of creation.
Got Milkweed?
Got a milkweed plant? Good. Donât pick itâjust look at it. Look at one of its flowers. See how one blossom is really lots of tiny flowers bunched together? That makes the blossom visible to flying bugs. If theyâre looking for nectar, theyâll see this flower and come in for a drink.
Take a closer look at one tiny flower in that blossom. Itâs made up of four nectar cups. Can you see them? Insects âknowâ thereâs nectar in those cups. Theyâll straddle a cup, stick their straw-like mouthpart into it, and suck the sweet juice.
Now look very closely at the sides of those cups. Can you see small slits in the blossom? Thatâs where the insects place their feet when they straddle a cup.
Inside those slits are tiny bags of pollen tied to tiny springs; two pollen bags on each spring. When a bug leg slips into a slit, the pollen bags clamp onto the leg. Each drinking bug leaves the milkweed blossom carrying pollen bags on its legs. When it visits the next blossom, it drops off the bags and picks up more. The clamping and unclamping of the springs is very complicated. Scientists write long papers about it. Itâs just one of creationâs small wonders.
Got Milk?
Ever wonder how milkweed got its name? There are two reasons:
1. Many people consider this plant a weed. A weed is something that grows where itâs not wanted. To monarch caterpillars, this plant is not a weed!
2. The milkweed plant has a milky juice inside the stem. Thatâs part of its defense, so be careful. That juice is poisonous. If you ate this plant, it would make you sick!
But the juice isnât poisonous to all creatures. Take a glance at the rest of the plant. Do you see other bugs on it? Some of them are eating, arenât they? So milkweed juice doesnât harm them. But itâs not good for humans and some other creatures.
Thatâs why many creatures that eat milkweed are colored red and black. In creation, red and black shouts, âIâm poisonous, donât mess with me!â Even orange and blackâlike the monarchâis a warning to predators.
Young Monarchs
Now check the plant for monarch caterpillars. Theyâre yellow, black, and white striped, and they have black antennae. Andâbiggest clueâtheyâre munching on milkweed leaves.
Watching monarch caterpillars eat is not very exciting. But you can keep track of them from day to day and watch them grow. Theyâll stay on the milkweed, so once youâve found them you can visit them again.
The really cool part of watching the caterpillars every day comes later when you find a chrysalis. A chrysalis is a butterflyâs cocoon. It hangs from milkweed branch. Itâs a beautiful light green. The shell is almost-transparent, and it has tiny gold dots âpaintedâ around the top.
If the milkweed is nearby, you can go outside daily and keep track of the chrysalis.
Or you can carefully cut off the milkweed stem with the chrysalis attached and put it into a jar. Set it someplace where you can keep close track of it. If youâre around when the butterfly hatches, you can watch it pump blood into its wrinkled wings and prepare for flight. Thatâs a sight no one forgets!
More to Explore
If youâve found milkweed but not monarchs, donât worry. Your trip is not in vain. There are usually lots of interesting residents on a milkweed plant. The bugs that feed on milkweed are usually orange and blackâyou know why. There also should be bugs that prey on bugs that feed on milkweed.
Milkweed bugs are small, and theyâre orange and black. Look closely at their wings folded over their bodies. The very back end of each wing is soft and black. Together they make a black triangle on an orange-and-black back. They eat milkweed.
Green lacewings are flimsy green insects that fly slowly. They look fragile but are actually fierce predators. They eat other flying insects that have come for nectar.
Wasps and hornets are easy to identify by their hairless yellow and black bodies. Like the lacewing, they prey on other insects. Often they eat part of an insect and then take part back to the nest to feed their young larvae. In that way they act like birds feeding their young.
Other butterflies visit milkweed because it has so much nectar. Most butterflies are nectar feeders, so milkweed is a rich feast for them.
There are many more insects than those listed here. Thereâs also much more action at a milkweed. So go outside, find a milkweed, and enjoy some of the small wonders of Godâs creation.
About the Author
Joanne De Jonge is a freelance writer and a former U.S. National Park Ranger. She attends West Valley Christian Fellowship in Phoenix, Ariz.