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Grace micā€™d makes a beautiful sound.

At mosaicHouse, a church plant in Edmonton, Alberta, we worship with a multicultural accent. One way we do this is to ask people to lead the offertory song in their native tongue during Sunday worship service.

But one day at a worship planning meeting, our new praise team leader said, ā€œLetā€™s try something else!ā€ He thought we should invite people to come forward and say a short prayer in their native language. My first reactionā€”unspokenā€”was, ā€œWell, that will never happenā€”even here.ā€ However, reluctant to shoot down this rising starā€™s creativity, I acquiesced. ā€œThatā€™s a brilliant idea! Letā€™s go for it!ā€

So unconfident was I that I cornered two persons in the congregation and had them swear that theyā€™d be the first ones to go up to the mic the following Sunday when Iā€™d make an open invitation. Planting the seed, I may have said to these two new Christians, not versed in the Bible, something like, ā€œEveryone in heaven prays in at least two different languages.ā€

Then came the following Sunday. Following our repertoire of praise songs, I went up to the microphone in the front and said, ā€œFolks, in place of our usual congregational prayer by the pastor, we will try something new. Yā€™all get to lead it. Please come up to the mic and offer a prayer in your mother tongue. I assure you that the Lord can understand your prayer.ā€ Then, taking a leap of faith, I sat down.

Nothing happened for what felt to me like a very long and awkward pause.

Then grace showed up. One Latino gentleman came to the mic and offered a prayerā€”a short prayerā€”in Spanish. At least, I am pretty sure it was Spanish. He then sat down. Not long after that, a Ph.D. student in the university came up to the mic and prayed very softly in Hungarian.

Next a young woman in her 20s came up to the mic and prayed in Malay. It turns out that this was her first visit to our church. She was followed by a Haitian woman who came up and prayed in Creole, which sounded like she was singing bel canto. Then a Korean man came up the mic and prayed. A woman in her 50s came up and prayed in English for her friends who were going through a tough time. To my knowledge she was not a Christian and had a very limited church background.

After she sat down, a second-grade boy came forward. He had to lower the mic way down. Then he put his hands in his front pockets and prayed in English. I donā€™t remember what he prayed for because by now I was holding back the tears.

Grace is always amazing. And when grace is micā€™d, it makes a beautiful sound.


ā€œThe central element in communion with God is the act of self-surrender.ā€

ā€”Howard Thurman

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