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In recent years youā€™ve run articles about why young adults leave the Christian Reformed Church for nondenominational churches and about keeping young adults in the CRC. From my perspective as a member of 30-odd years, I think the main thing that turns people off is that members who grew up in the CRC tend to sell it short.

If you donā€™t believe in your product, who do you think is going to ā€œbuyā€ it?

The CRC does not receive a plethora of affection from its members.

As someone who became a Christian and joined the CRC at the age of 17, I think this denomination has a lot going for it. The warmth of the fellowship is the first thing that comes to my mind, because thatā€™s what drew me in the first place. The first day I visited First Christian Reformed Church in Montreal, Quebecā€”Dec. 21, 1975ā€”one of the ministerā€™s daughters, Anneke Geleynse, introduced me to people who included me and made me feel I belonged right away.

I also appreciate the quality of teaching in the CRC. It is biblical and meaty, and the CRC produces a wealth of resource material. Compared to other denominations, our pastors undergo rigorous training to qualify for ordination. For example, they must master both Greek and Hebrew. These are only a few examples of the wealth at our disposalā€”if only we would avail ourselves of it, let alone encourage young people to do so.

For the 150th anniversary of the Christian Reformed Church, in 2007, I wrote this magazine a letter in which I challenged fellow members to flood the office of The Banner with love letters for the CRC. It never got published, even though this denomination does not exactly receive a plethora of affection from its members. If anything, I see a lot more bellyaching in letters to The Banner.

I would have thought a mountain of fan mail would be a problem most people would love to have. After all, who complains at having piles of love letters once in 150 years? Go figure.

I donā€™t understand the attitudes of people born in this denomination, but Iā€™m sure that if we donā€™t do something to change them, young adults will keep leaving the CRC for churches that are more positive.

Letā€™s stop taking what we have for granted. God doesnā€™t owe us anythingā€”not even a rich spiritual heritage! And letā€™s remember, relationships donā€™t just happen. You have to work at them.

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