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Blog with Me

Just to let you online folks know, weā€™re adding an e-leaf to our Banner ā€œkitchen table.ā€ Iā€™ve started a blog that will update once a week. You can access it at www.thebanner.org  (click on the hot link on the upper right of the home page). Iā€™d love to get your replies to any of the posts you find there, so be sure to engage in some dialog with me. I look forward to reading and posting your responses.

Farewell, Colleagues

After decades of devoted service to our denomination, the printing plant that is owned and operated by the Christian Reformed Church will close mid-January.

The decision to close the plant came after months of evaluating priorities regarding the type of ministries and services the CRC provides, as well as the future space needs for the denominational building in Grand Rapids, Mich.

Although present printing plant staff will be provided with continued job opportunities with another publisher (RBC Ministries), they will no longer be working with us. We want to wish them Godspeed in their new ventures and thank them from the bottom of our hearts for their consistently excellent and dedicated service these many years. Both Faith Alive and The Bannerā€”along with many other ministries of the CRCā€”have relied on their expertise, their willing collaboration, and their grace in dealing with our many editorial frailties. Through so many technological and market changes they have been truly awesome!

Personally Iā€™m going to miss taking the odd outing past those Heidelberg presses chugging way. But Iā€™ll miss the people more. God bless you all.

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The Banner is more than a magazine; itā€™s a ministry that impacts lives and connects us all. Your gift helps provide this important denominational gathering space for every person and family in the CRC.

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