I could not change or address my problem until I took an honest look at myself and educated myself with the support of others. This was painful.
Vantage Point
This is an opinion column in which readers share their thoughts about an issue of interest to the church, challenge others, or reflect on something near and dear to their hearts.
Sin is our daily addiction. When we come together in worship, it is a time of encouraging each other in sobriety from our sins.
Gifting and character: these are the two ingredients for successful leadership.
I hope God’s people will spend more time applying godly wisdom to the issues of our day rather than labeling people.
As I enter my fourth decade of life, I’m learning that I struggle to accept who I am in the present moment.
Think about the Church Order articles related to the office of deacon and how they give instruction for the healthy functioning of a church in its context, locally and at the classis level.
Music is an integral part of worship for all congregants. So why are so many seniors feeling left out?
It was the custom in the Gereformeerde churches that six weeks before Good Friday, ministers would preach about the passages dealing with Jesus’ suffering.
In my work facilitating support groups and assisting in workshops, I have seen the difficulties of caring for a person living with dementia.
Anger over issues is always present in our churches. That doesn’t make it right; in fact, it is wrong.
I’ve stood before a mirror and cried at my reflection, embarrassed of the woman I’d become. I’ve hidden my body behind sweaters and jackets and squeezed into Spanx and camis and, all the while, wanted only to feel comfortable in my own skin.
I know Sunday mornings are not the peaceful, relaxed times that so many of your friends enjoy.
I remembered learning that if someone isn't speaking your love language, they can love you, but you won’t feel it.
I think this “three-legged stool” of home, church, and school is now cracked and wobbly because we are neglecting discipleship and instruction as a result of our preference for absorbing the world’s culture rather than transforming it.
In a sense, I had embraced All Lives Matter as a movement many years ago.
From elementary school until I graduated from high school, I was subjected daily to taunting and teasing from my peers. It happened so often that they broke me.
A lot of things, including many worship practices, have changed in the congregation where I worship because of COVID-19.
There are still those who believe that those with depression or other mental illnesses should “pray it away” rather than take medication.
Why is this movie relevant? First, it is a lovely reminder that God creates whole ecosystems based on diversity.
I am touched when I see teenagers raising their hands in contemporary worship, singing at the top of their voices, with tears flowing down their cheeks.
The Apostles’ Creed is something valuable and beautiful, just like a gem.
Opinion: It underestimates the breadth and depth of racism to focus largely on white racism and hammer away at white guilt.
Many Christians who have walked closely with people who are same-sex attracted recognize a purity of love in many long-term, committed same-sex relationships in today’s modern society.
Now surveys show that only about half of the community members attend church regularly.