When I was a child about 5 years old, I would go to my grandfather’s small Baptist church.
This devotional column offers food for reflection and contemplation, often including a personal experience of God’s grace in unexpected corners.
It really was, as the cliché goes, a dark and stormy night.
The picture on the next page hangs in my church office. Parishioners often ask if there is a story behind it.
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
—Psalm 139:13
While visiting the Chicago Botanic Garden, my husband and I spent the better part of a day strolling from an English walled garden to a J
Picture a small discussion group. One day the group gets talking about prayer. “What do you struggle with in your prayer life?
From your lofty abode you water the mountains; the earth is satisfied with the fruit of your work.
It takes you by surprise
It comes in odd packages
It sometimes looks like loss
Or mistakes
It acts like rain
I have a rule for my garden this year. I won’t allow myself to buy any seeds.
And I am a seedaholic.
When someone asks what I plan to give up for Lent, I often can’t help flashing a self-deprecating smile for the fleshly me, who kno
These are the days of darkness in the Northern Hemisphere.
EXPECTING. We associate this seemingly innocent word with (among a good many other things) pregnancy.
I hate the glitz and the busyness, the worries over spending too much, the cleaning, the hours spent in the kitchen trying to create the
It was an innocent suggestion, that game of hide-and-seek.
An article in the January 2006 Banner titled “Going to the Extreme” carried interviews with several people who engage in high
His eyes open each morning
to the same lines, the same dots
in the ceiling.
The same fluorescent lights.
Teal carpet,A friend, recently and tragically bereaved, wrote me of the tears that came upon her during a chapel service at her daughter’s scho
My husband was to fly in that night. No problem. I’d gladly meet him after a week’s separation.
The office in my high school was on the first floor, in the center of the building.
This Easter, as they have for nearly 2,000 years, Christians will celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the tomb.
I’m visiting a dank, dusty hallway in the basement of our house. I don’t go there often, and the lighting is poor.
Dear friends, I’ve found something important that I believe we need to approach with careful pastoral discernment.
I can feel January coming —feel it in my soul.
A few years ago I was driving along, daydreaming and only half listening to Garrison Keillor’s “Writer’s Almanac”