is a film about a man who may be having visions warning o
On Screen
Life in a Day
reviewed by Ron VandenBurgEnlisted by producer Ridley Scott and National Geographic, amateur videographers in over 190 countries captured moments of everyday li
What were your favorite movies of 2011?
The Way
reviewed by Jenny deGrootReleased in movie theaters this past fall, takes viewers down the ancient p
What Banner reviewers thought of some of the films of 2011.
The Interrupters
reviewed by Josh LarsenThe year’s most moving moment of cinematic grace was a real-life one.
Joyful Noise
reviewed by Kristy QuistSister Act meets “Glee” in a mess of a movie.
reviewed by Kristy QuistBilly Beane endured a disappointing career as a Major League Baseball player, only to move into a career as the general manager of one
So you got a new phone for Christmas? Make the most of it.
Maybe you have heard about a starring French ac
Midnight in Paris
reviewed by Otto Sellesis Woody Allen’s love letter to t
The Adventures of Tintin
by Steven SpielbergFans need no introduction, but for the sake of the uninitiated, Tintin is the star of the classic Tintin comic book series, p
War Horse
reviewed by Kristy QuistEngland declares war on Germany during World War I, and young Albert’s beloved horse, Joey, is sold into war service.
The Muppets
by Josh LarsenThere is no moral to the Muppets, which is what I love about them.
reviewed by Kristy QuistFull of loss, wonder, and mystery, is a visual feast—a feast to be lingered over ra
Sherwood Baptist Church, in Albany, Ga., has taken a bold step. They’ve decided to make movies as part of their ministry.
is being pitched to the faith market for two clichéd reas
is a series of six 30-minut
With the Web at their disposal and wireless notebooks in hand, modern moms are finding new outlets for their writing.
Kathryn Stockett's popular novel comes to life in .
intends to pay respect to the institution of marriage,
Is compassion essential to heroism?
The dog days of summer have arrived.
Davis Guggenheim earned an Oscar for directing Al Gore’s documentary An Inconvenient Truth.