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We sometimes feel as if we MUST find our specially crafted, universe-honed, life-giving purpose, and if we donā€™t our lives will pass us by.

For quite some time, ā€œfinding my purposeā€ in life gave me a lot of anxiety. But Iā€™ve recently come to the conclusion that the anxiety is caused by how Iā€™ve been thinking about purpose: the same way I used to think about romantic relationships and the myth of ā€œthe one.ā€

The myth of ā€œthe oneā€ says the universe has picked out one special person for you, a soulmate perfectly crafted to meet your every need and fit your every curve of character. All you have to do is find that person!

This mentality is similar to the idea of finding one specific purpose meant only for you. It raises the stress level of teens, young adults, and even those in their later years. ā€œThe universe has specially crafted a purpose for you! A career, a purposeful path, that fits your every curve of character! All you have to do is find it!ā€

To raise that level of stress a bit more, look at online search results for books related to purpose. Many are based on the premise that if you want to live any semblance of a satisfied life, you must discover your purpose. If you donā€™t, you will live a meaningless, directionless, disappointing life as your true, good, and purpose-driven life passes you by.

To make things even worse, it sometimes seems as if everyone else is already living a purpose-driven life. I recently spoke with a friend who is a mom in her 40s. She has spent the last 20 years taking care of, feeding, and raising her family, but now her children no longer need the same level of care. Now what? As I tried to offer her an encouraging word, she cut me off, pointed her finger at my chest and said, ā€œItā€™s easy for you; youā€™ve always known what your purpose is in life!ā€

Thatā€™s not true. But I understand why she felt that way. We sometimes feel as if we MUST find our specially crafted, universe-honed, life-giving purpose, and if we donā€™t our lives will pass us by.

That feeling drives midlife crises. It drives crashes in peopleā€™s higher education or careers. It drives a lot of stress in a lot of people all asking the same questions: ā€œWhy on earth am I on Earth? What am I supposed to do with my life?ā€

I think the apostle Paul has some helpful words for those of us wondering about that. In one of his letters, to Christians living in Rome, Paul says this:

ā€œTherefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of Godā€™s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to Godā€”this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what Godā€™s will isā€”his good, pleasing and perfect willā€ (Rom. 12:1-2).

And in his letter to Colossians, Paul writes, ā€œWhatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesusā€ (Col. 3:17).

In other words, purpose has far more to do with how than what. What you do with your life is far less important than how you do it!

Purpose, then, can be described in these three ways:

Your purpose in life is a response.

Your purpose in life is a renunciation.

Your purpose in life is to replicate a reputation.

First, our purpose in whatever we do is to respond to Godā€™s mercy in our lives. Paul says in Romans 12 that we should live our lives ā€œin view of Godā€™s mercy.ā€ In other words, everything you do should be in response to the mercy God has shown you. Whether you are a parent, a teacher, a construction technician, a farmer, a father, a motherā€”whatever you do, you should do it in response to Godā€™s mercy. This is a surprising idea for Paulā€™s readers. Typically they made sacrifices and offerings in order to get something from the gods, not to do something for the gods in response to a previous action. They made offerings to procure forgiveness, a good harvest, health, a successful hunt, a fortunate business transaction. But Paul tells them to offer their lives in view of Godā€™s mercy already given. Our purpose is to respond to Godā€™s mercy.

Secondly, our purpose is a renunciation. Paul uses the language of self-sacrifice. Your purpose in life is not to sacrifice for personal success. Your purpose in life is not to sacrifice for self-fulfillment. Your purpose is to renounce yourself and offer your life for others. The pattern for offering oneā€™s life was set by Jesus, who ā€œdid not come to be served, but to serveā€ (Matt. 20:28). Likewise, your purpose in life is to renounce yourself and to offer your life in service to others.

Finally, our purpose is to replicate a reputation. Paul says that whatever you do (notice he doesnā€™t seem to care too much about the ā€œwhatā€), do it in the name of the Lord Jesus. This sounds odd; we donā€™t often do anything in someoneā€™s name anymore. But what Paul means by ā€œnameā€ is a reputation. Whatever you do, do it as though Jesusā€™ reputation is going to be attached to it. Your purpose is to replicate Jesusā€™ reputation. If people look at how youā€™re living your life, do they see Jesus?

When you find yourself wondering, ā€œWhy on earth am I on Earth?ā€ā€”when it becomes a stressful, paralyzing questionā€”start asking yourself instead, ā€œWhere I am right now? How can I live in response to Godā€™s mercy? Whom can I serve? Does this add to the positive reputation of Jesus?ā€ Your purpose has far less to do with what than how. The what will change with lifeā€™s changing seasons, but the how never does. The rest will work itself out in time.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you answer or have you answered the question of your ā€œpurposeā€ in life?
  2. How does refocusing from ā€œwhatā€ to ā€œhowā€ help us?
  3. What difference does living oneā€™s life as a response to Godā€™s mercy make?
  4. What do you think is Christā€™s current reputation in our North American society due to Christiansā€™ lives and actions?

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