Over the past several months our society has experienced a monumental shift in the treatment of women—particularly in regard to how they are treated by men in power.
As I Was Saying
This is The Banner's online opinion column, from a variety of different writers, published Fridays.
I am frequently invited to sign a declaration on some topic of public concern.
There isn’t really any way to prepare one’s heart for a horrific tragedy.
Back in the South African apartheid era, I helped organize anti-apartheid efforts in our local community in Michigan.
A friend recently asked me, “Is Reformed theology for black people?”
In the recent high-profile cases of film studio executive Harvey Weinstein and other men in high-profile positions,
The tone of my own encounters with North Koreans was quite different when I visited there six years ago.
Last weekend, as I watched the terrible scenes from Charlottesville, Va., my heart was deeply troubled,
Over the weekend of August 11-12 in Charlottesville, Va., violence broke out at a rally protesting the removal of a statue
As a preacher, I felt a bit awkward walking into Calgary’s Victoria Park CrossFit gym that morning.
Back in my roaring twenties, I used to volunteer with something called the Committee for Contact with the Government (CCG).
During a rally for Facebook users last month, Mark Zuckerberg laid out his dreams for the future of his social media behemoth.
If I had to write a newspaper headline for Synod 2017 it would read “Tectonic fault lines in culture tear at Western Civilization.
Once a year in the Netherlands, joggers in the park stop running for two minutes.
Here is a poem that I learned at an evangelical “Bible camp”
David Hoekema and I served on the same synodical committee on War and Peace.
I got to thinking about the profound meaning of mission.
a student asked me whether I am in favor of “big government or small government.”
Growing up in evangelicalism, I often heard preachers talk about “the time of God’s patience.”
I was nodding along enthusiastically from the first page in of James K. A. Smith’s new book,
I have been involved with life issues since my parents stuffed me into a dress shirt and tie,