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Advertising Guidelines

Banner Advertising

Advertising with The Banner is a way to reach more than 67,000 households and 225,000 members across the U.S. and Canada by way of a print and online magazine. Advertising is also a way to support the ministry and mission of The Banner

Those interested in advertising with The Banner either online or in print can check out our rates here. To advertise, request a media kit, or to discuss your business development needs, contact The Banner’s marketing and business development director at (616) 224-0782 or ads@TheBanner.org.

For more information about The Banner’s advertising guidelines, laid out by Synod 1998, please see below:

Advertising Guidelines for The Banner

  1. Advertisements for both denominational and nondenominational agencies recommended for financial support by synod will be accepted in The Banner provided they do not conflict with other guidelines. The  of these approved agencies is published annually in the Christian Reformed Church Yearbook.
  2. Advertisements for organizations, products, or services not specifically Christian may be accepted for publication if they do not conflict with the general character of the magazine.
  3. Advertisements from charitable organizations not approved by synod that request funds for ministries substantially the same as ministries already carried out by denominational agencies will not be published without consultation with those agencies.
  4. Advocacy advertisements that take a position on issues being debated in the church will not be accepted.
  5. Advertisers from organizations not well-known to the church may be requested to give The Banner additional information about their organizations before their advertisements are published. Such information might include a statement of purpose for the organization, testimonials from denominational members in good standing, and financial disclosures (for charitable organizations).
  6. Organizations that are known to hold moral or ethical positions different from those of the Christian Reformed Church will not be afforded advertising space.
  7. Advertisements that promote dissension or schism within the CRC will not be placed in The Banner.
  8. No advertisements will be placed for alcohol or tobacco products.
  9. The Banner will permit advertisements promoting the sale of promissory notes only if certain conditions are met. In brief, organizations named in such advertisements must (a) be in compliance with all applicable security laws of their jurisdiction, (b) explain the purpose of fund solicitation and offer the repayment schedule, and (c) submit a statement from the classis in which they operate indicating that the classis is not aware of any matters that would suggest that the advertisement should not be placed. Detailed instructions about how these conditions can be met are available from the advertising department of The Banner.
  10. Decisions about questionable advertising will be made together by the editor of The Banner and the executive director of CRC Publications (now director of CRC Ministry Support Services), with input from the CRC’s executive director of ministries (now the general secretary) if necessary.