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Writing Guidelines - Columns

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Weigh in on Banner articles you’ve read in print or online. All responses to Banner articles will be considered for publication unless marked Not for Publication. The Banner reserves the right to edit responses for clarity or space considerations. Here’s how to submit.

Vantage Point

Readers share their opinion about an issue of interest to the church, challenge others, or reflect on something near and dear to their heart. 450 words.

Big Questions

Our panel of contributors replies to questions from readers on topics like these: ethics, relationships, missional living, faith formation, vocation/calling, digital life, church/Bible/doctrine, and stewardship. Got a question you’d like answered?

The Other 6

On Sundays many of us focus on worship, youth ministry, and other church activities. But how do we live out our faith the other six days of the week? Stories of discipleship, challenges, and how life experiences shape our faith. 600 words.

Faith Matters

Reflections on the Bible, theology, or doctrine from a Reformed perspective. Either 600 or 1,200 words.

Cross Examination

Apologetics column. Our contributors answer basic questions that people, often especially our youth, have about their beliefs. 600 words.


This devotional column offers food for reflection and contemplation, often including a personal experience of God’s grace in unexpected corners. 500 words.

Mixed Media

Reviews of books, movies, music, television, websites, and more, looking at the world of arts and entertainment from a Reformed perspective. To submit a review, click here.


This column for kids explores nature, science, and God’s amazing, good world.

Point of View

Visual art, poetry, or prose from high school students. Half-page/300 words.