When two ordinary objects land on a city sidewalk, a little girl’s dull day becomes an odyssey of new places and unusual faces.
What would it look like if Christians received the invitation to be set apart, holy people opened to the transformational thinking of the kingdom of God in experiments of peacemaking?
With online church, disabled people—including me and my family—were welcomed to church in more ways and more often than ever before. Let’s keep that up.
Two years into the pandemic, more religious institutions are asking themselves what a hybrid approach can and should look like.
At a special meeting of the regional group of Christian Reformed churches in Alberta North, 52 delegates addressed differing formal requests to synod with the hope of moving forward “united in love.”
우리는 기독교인으로서 만물을 하나님의 영광을 위해 사용하도록 부르심 받았습니다. 여기에는 우리가 과학기술을 어떻게 사용하느냐도 포함됩니다.
Every week, more than 7,000 people are praying for anonymous requests from strangers who live all around the world.
Prayer always lies at the center of the Christian life, but there are times and seasons when this centrality takes on a deeper urgency.
This comprehensive and visually stunning biographic picture book details Elijah Cummings’ humble beginnings and unwavering faith.
Awaken Worship, the music ministry of California-based Awaken Church, drops its debut album.
Our church is filled with retired people. We don’t have many children. How can we minister to the children if there are so few of them?
Think about the Church Order articles related to the office of deacon and how they give instruction for the healthy functioning of a church in its context, locally and at the classis level.
I spend a lot of time listening. But is it worthwhile?
See how readers responded to recent Banner issues, articles, and columns.
Bill Huyser faithfully served in the ministry of the Christian Reformed Church for almost 70 years. He died Jan. 4 at age 97.
How do we, as parents, cultivate in our children a love of the earth, a cry for justice, and a commitment to nonviolence?
A six-part series about how films reflect on us.
A moving tribute to the joy and grounding that fathers bring to their children’s lives.
The Refuge, in Grandville, Mich., held its first worship service Jan. 2, marking the end of what had been Trinity Christian Reformed Church and the embrace of mission as a small, nimble flock.
A group of students led by Emily Dimmick, a Protect Life Michigan campus activist and member of Fellowship CRC in Big Rapids, Mich., marched on Washington on Jan. 21, 2022.
In a new survey, white evangelicals no longer report majority support for creating a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.
I discovered that the increase of religious “nones” is strongly correlated with use of new technologies.
Families play an important role in the spiritual formation of children, said Resonate Global Mission missionary Megan Ribbens.
In Matthew 11, Jesus describes himself as “gentle and lowly in heart,” longing for his people to find rest in him. This book reflects on his words.