Brandon Heath’s new pop album includes the Top 10 hit “See Me Through It.”
Christian publishers are catching up in efforts to publish fiction by BIPOC authors.
In this book, Rebekah Eklund explores how the Beatitudes have affected readers across differing eras and contexts.
A drifter investigates a series of murders in a small town and uncovers a conspiracy.
With compassion and insight, Five Little Indians chronicles the desperate quest of these residential school survivors to come to terms with their past and, ultimately, find a way forward.
A church plant grown out of Redeemer CRC in Sarnia, Ont., is testing out what a church can look like when it’s only online.
What goes into reporting from synod? Glad you asked!
As I look back on my time as executive director of the CRCNA, it seems improbable that so much has happened in the life of our church and denomination in such a short time (February 2020 to June 2022).
Delegates and advisers to Synod 2022 were surprised when they returned to their places on the plenary floor after one break.
The earth is filled with hills, valleys, and mountain ranges that are all uniquely different.
Online dating. Dating apps. Texting. Social media. Endless swiping in search of forever love. It seems like the more ways technology offers to "connect" us, the less connected we actually are.
Comprising Thom Yorke and his longtime Radiohead-bandmate and Academy Award-nominated composer Jonny Greenwood as well as the drummer Tom Skinner, The Smile releases their debut album.
A pastor and chaplain who had a passion for meeting people and spreading the gospel, John Van Hemert died May 26 at age 85.
John Malestein, a distinguished Calvin Theological Seminary alumnus, “lifted up Jesus Christ in everything.” He died May 31 at age 98.
Members of the denomination young and old have concerns about our future.
The data, which will be available online for free, comprises more than 2,700 requests sent to the Vatican by Jews persecuted by the Nazi regime.
Lloyd VanderKwaak, who has served as volunteer facilitator of the Christian Reformed Church’s joint ministry agreement process, has been named interim chief administrative officer in the denomination’s Office of General Secretary.
What does Synod 2022’s declaration that the church's historic stance on same-sex relationships has confessional status mean for members, pastors, and congregations who have been moving in a different direction?
The ups and fateful downs of a CRC pastor living with cystic fibrosis, the journey to receiving a double lung transplant, and the hope of a second chance at life that transplant brings.
Eccentric detective Terry Seattle teams up with clueless celebrity guest stars to investigate a series of murders in this improvisational crime comedy.
Debut author Amina Luqman Dawson pens a lyrical, accessible historical middle-grade novel about two enslaved children’s escape from a plantation and the many ways they find freedom.
At a church council meeting June 27, Neland Avenue Christian Reformed Church’s elders, deacons, and pastors determined not to rescind the appointment of a same-sex married deacon, as the CRC’s synod had ordered them to do.
With Dobbs, we now have Pro-life 3.0, a movement that finds itself free to be much more politically creative and nimble, particularly as it works to support women and protect prenatal children at the state level.
How does this movement of people throughout the world affect the spread of the gospel?