Also known as “the manse.” I lived in three of them—church-owned housing. What a joy! No taxes to pay. No repairs.
When a bride and groom say wedding vows and sign a marriage certificate, they make their love and commitment to each other official.
Write On!
An astute third-grader once asked me, “Do you ever wonder if life is real?
Twelve years ago my wife, Coby, and I found ourselves facing some of the most significant crossroads and challenges of our lives.
When we decided to send our three children to a Christian day school, we weren’t operating under the influence of “CRC auto-
Q. An article in the March 2005 Banner (p.
The president of the university where I worked as a campus minister once told me about a call he received from an irate parent:
Have you ever written a spiritual autobiography? You know, a story about your own faith journey.
Apology Corrected
I read with interest your “Apology Accepted” story in the July 2005 Banner.
Synod 2005 approved a proposal for the orderly exchange of ministers between the Christian Reformed Church and the Reformed Church in A
One summer night in the late 1950s, when church was a more serious, formal occasion and the "Reverends" wore black tie and tails when pr
This Banner is heavy on discipleship issues—how we can become more mature followers of Jesus and help others do the same
Body and soul stretching,
creating space,
Life from life,
breaking free.Some weeks ago I made a pastoral call on an elderly believer, one firm in her faith though she suffers a great deal of physical pain.
A few months ago I was sitting around a seminar table with my students.
A Meditation for Lent
Viktor Klemperer was professor of literature at the University of Dresden during the years that led into World War II, and he had the job
"Gospel Glory" by Cornelius Plantinga Jr., August 2004, pp.
BTGH Celebrates 65 Years of Media Ministry
For more than 65 years the Back to God Hour (BTGH) has kept the Christian Reformed
When 12 adults and six children were baptized at a church called The River in Allegan, Mich., Keith Gebben just had to laugh.
Jeff Miller doesn’t mess around with mediocre materials for his 9th- and 10th-grade kids.
This month ushers in major transitions in our denominational leadership.
It was tuesday. My wife’s birthday. We were going out for dinner. Could I take her out for lunch too?