What’s happening in the CRC, and where will it lead us?
OK, so we can’t afford official datafrom a scientificallyac
What’s happening in the CRC, and where will it lead us?
OK, so we can’t afford official datafrom a scientificallyac
A Toronto congregation, in danger of being disaffiliated from the Christian Reformed Church, could breathe easier after Classis Toronto&r
When Team Canada won the gold medal at the 2006 World Junior Hockey Championship in Vancouver, British Columbia, on Jan.
In a tiny primitive village in Afghanistan, where bitter winters sting fingers and toes, local children are staying warm in winter clothi
More than 90 Hamilton (Ontario) District Christian High School students and a dozen Redeemer University College students gave up their Ch
NBC has pulled from its lineup a controversial show called The Book of Daniel, a prime-time drama about an Episcopal priest stru
When people ask whether there was death before the fall, they’re not all asking the same question.
Having connections to the music scene is helping Nashville’s Faith Christian Reformed Church reach out to its neighbors.
Q. Three of our elders, one of whom was re-baptized as an adult, have indicated opposition to infant baptism.
Amid laughter and occasional tears, spouses of Christian Reformed pastors shared their stories during nine mentoring conferences held acr
I admit that I was uncomfortable when I was given an information sheet for Calvin Theological Seminary students who preach on “Semi
When soldiers in Iraq don their snug helmet liners in bitter weather, they can feel how much people back home care about them.
Canada’s Christian Reformed Extension Fund recently celebrated its 35th anniversary, with current loans totaling roughly $55 millio
The Christian Reformed Church in Nigeria celebrates its 100th anniversary this year, marking its beginning when missiona
Brightly dressed men and women danced to beating drums as they celebrated the Christian Reformed Church of Nigeria’s (CRCN) centenn
Child abuse takes many forms: physical, emotional, and sexual. It happens at home, at school, and, yes, even at church.
Church Planter Rev.
Editorial Standards
After reading the editorial “Glenda’s Revelation” in the February Banner, I supp
When a lawsuit was filed to recoup costs incurred in a settlement with an abuse survivor, it resulted in a media storm that engulfed Calv
Extreme makeovers promise to change everything from looks to personalities to houses.
I had just finished explaining Anselm’s ontological argument for the existence of God to my senior Bible class when I paused to ask
Ms. Terri asked her Sunday school class to draw pictures of their favorite Bible stories.
There’s this schemer, this shlemiel.
Each year, AIDS kills more people than tsunamis, hurricanes, and earthquakes combined. So why are we IGNORING AN ONGOING HORROR?