In 1906 a few missionaries in Rehoboth, N.M., gathered to worship in a small adobe building that doubled as a dormitory for young Navajo
On Nov.
Being a pastor’s spouse can feel a lot like living in a fish bowl.
Six West Michigan pastors—all in their 30s—are leading an effort to unite people who hope for a redirection of the Christian
More than 500 people turned out for a joint Reformation Day service at First Christian Reformed Church, Sheldon, Iowa.
Grief for the Unborn
I was thrilled to finally see an article on the grief of miscarriage (“Losses of the Heart,”
My Spiritual mother, the Christian Reformed Church, turns 150 this year, and I anticipate the thankful celebration.
A pastor was having an awful time with his congregation and eventually decided to pack it in.
Scripture is infallible. my interpretation of it is not. Yours isn’t either.
Have you ever tried to explain the Christmas story to someone who has never heard it before?
Rev. Charles T. Fennema
1929 – 2006
My father loved to tell the joke about the man who looked in the paper every morning to see if his name was in it.
Mysteries make us curious. We want to know what happened, how, and why. But you say Christmas is not a mystery?
This year my wife, April, learned firsthand of the wonders of Internet blogging.
Christmas is first of all about Jesus.
I awoke before dawn in southern Sudan to what I thought was the sound of a rooster crowing.
Creation Care
Q: I hate diverting my focus from the joy of Christmas, but I’m troub
When field leader Albert Strydhorst in Nigeria picked “Crossing Borders” as the name for Christian Reformed World Missions&rs
Saturday mornings in Brazil are much like Saturday mornings in North America.
It’s not too late to plan a Christmas program!
Calvin College has been named one of the best places to work in academia by The Scientist, a magazine for the life sciences now in its 21
It’s a sad fact but true: people with disabilities are often excluded from many aspects of the life and ministry of a congregation.
Will the Christian Reformed Church of 2057 be anything like the denomination of 1957?
What can a group of pastors and lay people from Grand Rapids, Mich., teach the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee about fighting r