Preaching professor Thomas Long once observed that good preaching is exactly what it looks like: hard work done under pressure.
For generations God has produced a living faith in the hearts of believers.
Because I always hear your radio program every morning, my family and I were saved,” wrote Mrs.
That’s because Sterk is this year’s official Calvin Lecturer, part of the Calvin Worldview Lectureship cosponsored by Christ
Noah Diall is the father of four.
My father was both a pastor and a furniture maker. He found his calling in the church and his hobby in the workshop.
James and Otis Pewee have an extraordinary tale to tell. What’s even more remarkable is that they’re alive to tell it.
Alice Sluiter De Boer mows her own lawn, bakes pies, drives herself around her rural town, and attends weekly church activities.
Sunday Morning Parenting
How parents and churches can make worship a highlight for kidsSunday mornings can be the low point in a kid’s week.
These are the days of darkness in the Northern Hemisphere.
Roman Catholic bishops in the U.S.
Michigan’s science educators must teach evolution, not creationism, the state Board of Education decided unanimously in October.
President Bush should adopt an aggressive policy—guided by faith, not politics—to end the violence in Sudan’s western
The girls’ volleyball team from Western Christian High School in Hull, Iowa, captured its fifth state title in seven years.
Lumber, sawdust, and the Bible are the ingredients a small group of men from Daybreak Community Christian Reformed Church in Valparaiso
Men’s Cross Country Captures National Title
For the third time in four years, the Calvin College men’s cross-countr
With support and funding from the council and deacons at First Christian Reformed Church, Calgary, Alberta, Jenny Krabbe’s dream fo
Christian Reformed Home Missions announced recently that its staff-specialist positions will be relocated out of the bi-national office
Nicaragua was the setting for the seventh global conference organized by the International Association for the Promotion of Christian Hi
It was a long trip from northern Sudan to Worthington (Minn.) Christian Reformed Church for Rev.
Bible Way Sunday school curriculum published by CRC Publications in 1972 is taking on new life as El Camino de la Biblia
Bearing witness to the Christian Reformed Church’s commitment to Christian day school education, Classis Northern Illinois delegat
Muskegon ( Mich.
In 1906 a few missionaries in Rehoboth, N.M., gathered to worship in a small adobe building that doubled as a dormitory for young Navajo