More than 600 Christian Reformed young people were lured to Salt Lake City, Utah, this July with an invitation to discover a mystery.
First Christian Reformed Church in Bellflower, Calif., reached out to its community in an unusual way in July, arranging for six huge dum
What started as an outreach to young men and women playing basketball in the church parking lot has grown to an annual three-on-three tourna
Today sports challenge the participation of families in church activities.
Loop Church in Chicago embraced the annual Dragon Boat Race at Ping Tom Park in Chinatown this year as an outreach opportunity.
Rev. Jacob H. Binnema Sr.
1921 – 2007
The noise level rises after 3:30 p.m., when middle school students charge into the church building.
Sixty-six bikers from 11 Classis Wisconsin churches celebrated the Christian Reformed Church’s 150th anniversary by biking nearly 1
Two of the Christian Reformed Church’s three congregations in Kansas, Luctor CRC and Dispatch CRC, joined denominational 150th anni
When Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast two years ago, the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee joined with many other reli
Rev. Farquhar J. Mac Leod
1929 - 2007
In center from left, Rev. Jerry Hoek with Rev. Joseph Murupus in Marich, Kenya.
Two West Michigan camps with Christian Reformed connections are involving kids with special needs in the camping fun.
Richard Nolen of Tucson, Ariz., gave his daughter Brittney (Nolen) Kiel a ride she’ll never forget. The day: July 29.
Dedicated to helping congregations live out the statement “Everybody belongs, everybody serves,” the Christian Reformed Churc
Being a church mouse is a lonely business.
Year of violence, grief: 27 city students slain. That was one of the startling and sad headlines
It’s mid-October and the pastor has just preached his annual message on responsible giving.
The right person for this position will possess strong relation
Do you know any kids who have disabilities?
James and Karen Garlock are devoted to God and to each other.
What specifically can you or I do about violence?
The picture on the next page hangs in my church office. Parishioners often ask if there is a story behind it.
Q Why does Matthew’s genealogy (1:1-16), in contrast to Luke’s genealogy (3:23-38), mention four women (Tamar,