By now you’ve probably heard about Sea to Sea 2008, the upcoming bike tour across North America.
Women dressed in hijaabs at a 9th- century Hindu temple. Motorbike traffic jams on crowded streets.
The Freedom from Religion Foundation is urging Hudsonville, Mich., to remove from its website a reference to city officials striving &ldq
Duane Litfin, president of Wheaton College, in Illinois, and two other school officials have removed their names from a letter that calle
The high court of the Presbyterian Church (USA) stated unequivocally that ministerial candidates in the PCUSA are required to be in faith
When Rev.
A group settles into a meeting room at Fleetwood Christian Reformed Church on a Tuesday evening. They greet each other warmly.
Christian Reformed churches in Canada are ramping up efforts to push for peace and reconciliation in Afghanistan.
Though young adults are missing from a lot of churches today, Syd Hielema observes that many in this demographic have a passion for socia
King’s University College Prof Earns Top AwardThe King’s University College chemistry professor Peter Mahaffy recently won the prestigious 3M Canada Teaching Fellowship.
A half-century after its start in Michigan, GEMS has gone global. Originally called Calvinettes, GEMS (Girls Everywhere Meeting the
Two major reports coming to Synod 2008 are being published too late for many churches to respond and possibly send overtures about them.
Alison Siefken suffered with asthma for 16 years.
From Drenthe (Mich.) Christian Reformed Church to Rev. Jeff Voorhees of Gateway CRC, Zeeland, Mich.
When Max and Sam Vanderheide took part in their first Lord’s Supper one bright fall afternoon, it was a time for rejoicing.
“We weren’t sure when, how, or if we were going to be able to leave,” said Andrea Dykshoorn from her home in Abbotsford
In a historic decision, a Grand Rapids, Mich., classis (regional group of churches) voted in January to send four women as its representa
Benjamin Kornelis, professor of music at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa, has been selected as the 2008 Commissioning Project Recipie
Roselawn, Ind., has a thriving food pantry because five couples from Community Christian Reformed Church in Roselawn responded to a chall
From First Christian Reformed Church, Randolph, Wis., to Rev. Kenneth Prol of Trinity CRC, Richfield Springs, N.Y.
Harry Potter Redux
To call the Harry Potter books “an excellent addition to children’s literature” because they
Rev. John C. Ribbens
1922 - 2007
Rev. Alvin H. Venema
1926 - 2007