At a high school in Montana, a group of students played a prank. They let loose three goats in the school.
In his later years my dad became a bit hard of hearing.
Rev. Robert Recker
1923 – 2007
Imagine that your neighbors have a wonderful garden. They grow all sorts of food, beautiful flowers, bushes, and trees.
Chaucer spelled my name mous. In Latin it is mus. The influence
Mention to a stranger that you are “Christian Reformed” and watch his eyes cloud over. He gets the Christian part.
New Reformed Body
The new Reformed body constitution (February, World 㽶Ƶ) reminds me of the signing of the United Religions Ini
The subject of this column’s previous article was the story of a young woman who grew up in a nondenominational church and subseque
Q Does God have a calling for people with disabilities, especially those
A few years ago, when SUV drivers were being collectively shunned for blatantly polluting the environment, someone thoughtfully asked, &l
. . . Also Many Animals
We’re not the only creatures God cares about.Remember how, after Jonah’s grudging evangelistic crusade, the whole city of Nineveh repented and Jonah angrily pouted?
With the Amen this dog
knew her kingdom
had come. Scraps of fat,
burnt potatoes, beets,
everything proceeded
Christianity Today magazine has reported on a growing surge of interest in and attraction to the Reformed faith among North American evan
Mike went to a psychiatrist and said, “I’ve got problems. Every time I go to bed, I think there’s somebody under it.
In 2005 synod (the annual leadership convention of the Christian Reformed Church) asked the CRC’s Board of Trustees to appoint a co
In my 20s, after sending out nearly 500 resumes for an entry-level urban planning position, I eventually managed to get the job.
Where would you go to see the largest number of Christian Reformed pastors in one place? Synod? No.
In addition to reaching out to those who haven’t heard of Christ, Christian Reformed World Missions staff in Uganda will be working
As a result of the Canadian dollar’s dramatic rise in relation to the U.S.
Christian Reformed Church members are answering the call to Embrace AIDS.
Christian Reformed Home Missions is actively working to alleviate poverty throughout North America and around the world.
South Grandville Christian Reformed Church in Michigan offered a series of hands-on workshops to help members use video, visual arts, mus
A Calvin senior has authored a Web safety booklet with specific advice for parents.
A brass bell rang out on the morning of Sept.