Is the Belhar Marxist?
Brian Polet in "Marxism Comes to the CRC?" (June 2008) regards statements in the Belhar Confessi
Brian Polet in "Marxism Comes to the CRC?" (June 2008) regards statements in the Belhar Confessi
From CrossPoint - Heritage Fellowship Christian Reformed Church, Brampton, Ontario, to Rev. Hendrik P. Bruinsma.
The songs were familiar, but the singing was different—slower, with more of a jazz feel.
Toronto’s Institute for Christian Studies (ICS) recently celebrated 40 years of Christian graduate-level education.
Silence is the only requirement at a retreat hosted by Centrepointe Community Christian Reformed Church in Edmonton, Alberta.
Thirty members of CrossPoint Christian Reformed Church in Brampton, Ontario, laced up their walking shoes recently in an effort to ease the
With parachutes and radios in hand, a group of young people from Bethel Christian Reformed Church in Lacombe, Alberta, became missionarie
Young adults from First Christian Reformed Church in Pella, Iowa, are using geocaching to let others know about their group and their chu
Bethany Vlaming (in red shirt) was one of 26 members from Calvin Christian Reformed Church in Ottawa, Ontario, who traveled recently to P
Henry Gort, 80, speaks fondly of his 60-year membership at Moline (Mich.) Christian Reformed Church, which is celebrating its 100-year an
Kathy Vandergrift was recently awarded the UNICEF Aldo Farina Child Rights and Advocacy prize in Barcelona, Spain.
When Mark and Theriesa Hubers took their family to Juarez, Mexico, for two months earlier this year, it wasn’t for a vacation.
For the first time in its history, Calvin College plans to arm several of its campus safety supervisors with handguns this fall.
Thea DeGroot and her friends from Redeemer Christian Reformed Church in Sarnia, Ontario, wanted to do more than just talk about social ju
A May tornado flattened much of the northeast Iowa town of Parkersburg.
After negotiating with Calvin College’s administration about her choice to attend a Baptist church, education professor Denise Isom
The 2008 Sea to Sea bicycle tour launched Monday, June 30, as 144 cyclists pedaled off under sunny skies from Golden Beach Park in Seattl
When I lived in Washington, D.C., I commuted by subway.
Do you ever feel like you’ve been left behind?
Back to God media ministries is establishing Listener Communities in remote areas of Indonesia where there are few churches (see “L
Ten years ago Brother Tang was a new believer searching for help.
Reuben VanGilst is using his talent in construction to rebuild homes damaged by Hurricane Katrina.
As Calvin’s graduating student engineers geared up for their annual Senior Projects Night, they put in a lot of hours in the colleg