Children of prison inmates are learning about God through new cartoon-style correspondence Bible lessons from Crossroad Bible Institute (
June 22, 1918 – May 17, 2009
First Lt.
Things are tough all over. That old adage is certainly true today as most people feel the effects of a depressed economy.
As legislation to legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide makes its way through the Canadian Parliament, the Christian Reformed Church&r
I was watching my 5-year-old boy kneeling by his bed. He was saying his bedtime prayer.
I’m about to say something just a bit shocking. It’s highly controversial.
It might have been Sunday evening
Suppertime after 6:00 p.m.When I first began writing this article, I had a specific person in mind—someone whose behavior was extremely . . . inspiring.
Opening the closet door to look for wrapping paper, I saw it hanging in solitude.
This is all about you. It’s about your insides and how well they were designed.
My Parkinson’s disease puts me in some unpredictable predicaments,
such as a new rigid prescription drug schedule
Q This economy is choking the life out of us.
How sad when we get caught in the commercial busyness trap of Christmas (“Sooooo Busy!” December 2009).
On Sunday mornings the community of First Christian Reformed Church, Vancouver, gathers to worship the triune God, Creator and Redeemer o
An epiphany is a burglary in progress.
A generations-old New Year’s tradition has the De Moors reading Psalm 91 right after the clock has struck 12 and the hugs have gone
Canadian Christian Reformed Church members are being asked to contact their Members of Parliament to protest a recent government decision
Mexican fiesta fever recently hit Calgary, Alberta, for a good cause.
When two congregations in Tualatin, Ore., decided to share one building, they practiced good stewardship but found deepened fellowship as
The popular Green Bean Coffee House burned down Oct. 23.
The Michigan Court of Appeals ruled in September that Lamont (Mich.) Christian Reformed Church will keep its property, upholding a ruling
Students from Georgetown Christian Reformed Church in Hudsonville, Mich., biked for a reason on a rainy autumn Saturday. “I jo
Trinity Christian College celebrated its 50th birthday with 1,400 guests at a dinner at Navy Pier in Chicago.