Valley Community CRC closed its doors and held a funeral before re-opening again.
LaGrave Avenue CRC in Grand Rapids is the longest-running site for Youth Unlimited SERVE teams.
First CRC of Fulton held a week of festivities to celebrate their anniversary.
Korean women delve into God’s Word while learning English.
With pension plan costs rising, the classis helps churches pay.
Originating in Japan, manga is a comic book style loved the world over.
Michelle LeBeau is growing up in her grandparents’ home in Deerhorn, Wis., hoping that her war-veteran father and her Japanese m
Amos Lee’s latest, , is a satisfying road trip of an a
Davis Guggenheim earned an Oscar for directing Al Gore’s documentary An Inconvenient Truth.
On the Edge of Faith
Learning to live with ambiguity and uncertaintySometimes I’m jealous of other Christians.
Supporting Public Education
The existence of Christian schools has consequences for public schools.In his Banner article last August, James K.A.
Q. Please define the role of evangelists in our denomination.
Teens from New Mexico take service trip to Oregon.
A church in Cutlerville, Mich., draws in neighbors with karate classes.
Curriculum for children and intergenerational curriculum first new releases since 2004.
The campus ministry at University of Alberta offers early morning communion services.
Modesto CRC turns its social hall into a grocery store once a month.
Korean Council of the CRCNA met in Florida.
He’s back on the road after a two-week haitus.
Jacqui Terry is an artist and designer who grew up in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
During Abby Johnson’s eight years with Planned Parenthood, she “was leading an unexamined life, filled with inconsistencie
, Fleet Foxes’ sophomore album, swells with folk harmonies and w
What if IT Happens in Your Church?
Is your congregation or classis prepared to minister to victims of sexual abuse?What if abuse happens in your church?
a mystery, this sad girl
her inner workings cloistered
she retreats to the corner