Kids from Community CRC in Wyoming distributed 5,000 pounds of food bought with their offerings.
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At almost 70 years of age, the iconic Paul Simon returns with
In 1660, Bethia and Caleb meet on their native island, Martha’s Vineyard, and strike up a clandestine friendship.
There are more than .
Would Jesus use Facebook?
Americans’ generosity amid financial hardship humbles Tractor Dave Wolfsen.
Specialized Ministries are an important face of the Christian Reformed Church.
Nothing set Mary apart from the other children waiting in line for their health assessments.
B, a retired Fulani man living in West Africa, has a generator repair business.
Radio is still one of the most effective avenues of mass communication to people in Haiti as they recover from the devastating earthqu
Calvin Theological Seminary (CTS) has created a new partnership with Kuyper College through an agreement that shortens the required ti
People were always telling Daniel Camacho as he was growing up that he had a call to ministry.
Heavy rain drenches the streets outside as about 25 people arrive on a Sunday afternoon for worship as part of the newly formed Square
Faith Alive Christian Resources, the publishing arm of the Christian Reformed Church and publishing partner of the Reformed Church in
Brian Fryling won the firefighting award that is named after his father who died fighting a fire.
Sixty-five pastors from several denominations, including five Christian Reformed pastors, raced in the third annual Faster Pastor Chal
Andrew De Young, who grew up in New Hope Christian Reformed Church of Dunwoody in Atlanta, was executed for the 1993 murder of his parents and younger sister.
Lamont CRC tripled attendance when it held a week-long art camp instead of a traditional Vacation Bible School program.
Ottawa area ministry leaders rowed as a team in a dragon boat exercise.
Social justice activist Gerald Vandezande died July 16 at the age of 77.
Built on pillars of communion and justice, WCRC’s work worldwide will be marked by its particular Reformed perspective.
Though it wasn’t part of the original plan, Tractor Dave’s support team proves beneficial.