Someone I care about is unemployed and looking for work. How can I best help them?
In 1946, Genevieve Ryder decides to keep her baby instead of giving it up for adoption, a choice that reverberates throughout the rest of her life.
Sydney Sweeney stars as NSA whistleblower Reality Leigh Winner in this searing HBO drama from playwright and director Tina Satter.
From bestselling author Gayle Boss, a stunningly illustrated picture book edition of her beloved Advent book, All Creation Waits. Now young readers too will be caught up in the wonder of 24 woodland animals adapting to the season of dark and cold.
A 2023-24 global partner with Princeton (N.J.) Theological Seminary’s Overseas Mission Study Center, Pastor Eric Sarwar is documenting a history of remarkable church growth in pre-and post-partition North India and Pakistan.
In Memoriam: Rev. Dale W. Vander Veen
1943-2023Campus pastor, preacher, pianist, organist and writer, Dale Vander Veen died Oct. 25. He was 80.
The 2023 fall youth retreat in Arden, Ont., attracted the largest number of teens since the retreat was started more than 20 years ago and prompted restarting local, combined youth services throughout the year.
Honoring Native American heritage feels differently for me as a new immigrant at this particular time in history.
Even in the midst of fleeing during the Russian invasion of Ukraine, ministry can still happen.
Framed around four central devotions, this Advent activity book invites parents and kids to come together year after year in celebrating the deeper meaning of the season as they count down the days until Christmas.
The worship leader Patrick Mayberry releases his first full-length album and stocks his debut with bold anthems of faith.
I’m a boomer who has started to use emojis. Is that a bad thing?
We cannot erase our emotions, but we can learn to lower their intensity so that they become more manageable.
Drawing on science and Scripture, this hope-filled and kid-friendly guide to planet Earth addresses our most pressing questions about caring for and respecting God's world.
Real love crosses paths with unspeakable betrayal as Mollie Burkhart, member of the Osage Nation, tries to save her community from a spree of murders fueled by oil and greed.
We are to be God’s ambassadors of reconciliation, showing how a world so bent on murdering each other can be shown how to love each other and even to do the impossible in loving our enemies.
In the Alberta Avenue neighborhood of Edmonton, Alta., the worshiping communities of Avenue Christian Reformed Church, St. Faith’s and St. Mary’s Anglican churches and an Indigenous spiritual community called Standing Stones, together form Lodgepole Communitas.
Former executive secretary of the Council of Christian Reformed Churches in Canada, who also served for 20 years in parish ministry, Rev. Arie Van Eek died Nov. 7. He was 91.
All Nations Church in Lake View Terrace, Calif., hosted “Made to Belong” to equip the next generation of leaders in disability ministry in Korean American churches.
One of the first steps to exploring what it means to be a Christian in your community is learning how to discover where God is already at work. Going for walks can help you make that discovery and can help you connect with people and join what God is doing.
The world’s most wanted terrorist is dead. Marcus Ryker recommended the drone strike himself. The intelligence was rock solid. But what if it was wrong?
Even our very best words fail to capture the power, beauty, and glory of the uncreated and everlasting God.
Award-winning author Eddie Chuculate brings his childhood to life with spare, unflinching prose. This book is at once a love letter to his Native American roots and an inspiring and essential message for young readers everywhere.
On the heels of the Jesus Christ the Exorcist rock opera, Neal Morse’s latest prog epic aptly entitled “The Dreamer – Joseph: Part One” tells the classic story of the Bible’s Joseph.