A groundbreaking book reveals how the Christian practice of mindfulness can bring peace and wholeness.
A brand-new straight-to-streaming movie charms, comforts, and entertains.
Bethel Christian Reformed Church, on Navajo land in New Mexico, has increased its food bank service four-fold and also coordinated a bulk food distribution, thanks in part from a grant from World Renew.
Work has moved online for most who are still working. Social distancing and the “stay-at-home” order isolates us, making us feel out of touch and socially disconnected.
These 2005 guidelines also note that The Banner needs to “be easily read” yet “be challenging” and be consistently of high quality.
우리를 의의 길로 인도하시는 하나님은 어둠의 골짜기를 다닐 때에도 우리를 인도하십니다.
우리 각자의 인생 스토리를 돌이켜 보면, 하나님이 더 큰 계획을 가지고 계심이 명확해집니다.
On Monday three Christian Reformed pastors in three churches near Minneapolis, Minn., spoke to The Banner about ministering in their congregations and their city at this time.
Welcome to The Banner’s guide to the Agenda for Synod 2020 and the Agenda for Synod Supplement 2020.
Pastor Rog Kok, 82, died May 12 after 31 years of serving Christian Reformed congregations in the United States.
Dick Los, known as a compassionate man with a pastoral heart, died May 13, in his 97th year.
When Hope CRC members learned about Sara’s desire to reunite with her brother, they agreed with little hesitation to apply for sponsorship.
I am a risk, not a certainty. If the coronavirus comes for me, the doctors could use their point system to give a ventilator to someone else instead.
The author of The Big Short launches a podcast aimed at tackling fairness from sports to financial markets.
From the New York Times columnist, a powerful portrait of how our turbulent age is defined by dark forces seemingly beyond our control.
Acclaimed husband/wife duo return with an impassioned 13-track collection of music and spoken-word vignettes.
Of course, I am only human, and while there are many times where I am glad to hand over the reins to God, sometimes fear and anxiety creep their way back in.
As Martin Luther King, Jr. reminded us more than 50 years ago, “a riot is the language of the unheard.”
Holland Christian Homes’ Grace Manor in Brampton was one of five long-term care homes in the province of Ontario cited in a harsh report about conditions in the facilities. Having addressed the relatively minor citations at Grace Manor, the facility is not subject to the Ontario government appointment of temporary management as at the other four homes.
Our server seemed disconnected and quite uninterested in doing her job.
It was a day that would be etched forever in my memory and would change how I view life.
As our communities begin to think about the gradual reopening of other businesses, parks, and services, it is important that church leaders also carefully consider what your congregation will do as these restrictions are lifted.
The fight, flight, or freeze reflex may kick in when people of conscience see or hear about the latest incident of Black death.
Ravi Zacharias and Abdu Murray invite readers to rediscover the cultural insights we often miss when we ignore the Eastern context of the Bible.