Fellowship Christian Reformed Church in Albuquerque, N.M., had seven members die this past year. The remaining small congregation celebrated those lives all at once Aug. 8.
The ministry of Disability Concerns, a partnership of the Christian Reformed Church and the Reformed Church in America, featured speakers with a focus on inclusion in its 2021 training.
A formal request to the Christian Reformed Church’s broadest assembly said the process to appeal decisions “is not appellant friendly and is church leader protective when allegations are raised concerning abuse.”
I remember thinking, in the crowded sanctuary, lit purple and red with sweeping lights, “I am not this kind of Christian.”
Jesus tells us to proclaim that “the kingdom of God has come near,” but what does that really mean?
The COVID-19 pandemic made many families’ financial situations even more stressful. Many parents lost jobs and could not afford tuition or the resources for at-home learning.
From a bestselling and award-winning husband-and-wife team comes an innovative, beautifully illustrated novel for 8- to 12-year-olds that delivers a front-row seat to the groundbreaking moments in history that led to African Americans earning the right to vote.
A former soldier and head of the West Point history department challenges the myths and lies of the Confederate legacy—and explores why some of the USA's oldest wounds have never healed.
UK Indie folk group Orphan No More offers a soulful blend of lament and praise.
I jumped out of bed and followed him out to our terrace on the 24th floor. Thick, black smoke was rolling out from the North Tower of the World Trade Center six blocks away.
Whether it’s a favorite Sunday school teacher, a teacher in public or Christian school, or a college professor, our teachers inspire, motivate, and encourage us in profound ways.
I’ve reached the third third of my life. What does faith formation look like after a life of going to church and being serious about my faith?
Authors document the evolution of Critical Theory.
A dark and harrowing Welsh detective drama with compelling characters and suspenseful stories.
A riveting memoir is at once a coming-of-age story and a powerful evocation of what it takes to bring hope and justice to families caught up in the prison system.
Lucas Van Berkel, who calls West End Christian Reformed Church in Edmonton, Alta., his home congregation, competed in the Tokyo Olympic Games as a member of Canada’s men’s volleyball team.
After a study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and others estimated more than a million children orphaned as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, supportive agencies are calling Christians to action.
Pastor Shawn Sikkema, serving on East Colfax Avenue in Aurora, Colo., is close to realizing a dream for his ministry: a safe, comfortable, place that the neighborhood’s vulnerable population can share.
During his ministry, Jesus continually showed how God values what we consider common.
“On the ground, these numbers translate to a heart-wrenching tragedy,” reported Rev. A.K. Lama, ReFrame’s Hindi ministry leader who serves in India’s northeastern region.
The last time Patrick Campbell’s name was published publicly, it was in reference to his worst mistake—one that would cost him his freedom.
Tani Adewumi's moving true story of immigrating to America, developing his talent for chess, and finding a new home.
Celebration Worship, composed of Dove Award-winning artists and worship team members from Jacksonville, Fla.-based Celebration Church, releases its ninth album.
Film Industry Professionals Share Their Stories and Their Process on This Lively Podcast