A compelling historical and theological case for the church's obligation to provide reparations for the oppression of African Americans.
Now streaming for a new generation, this acclaimed animated tale by director Hayao Miyazaki follows schoolgirl Satsuke and her younger sister, Mei, as they settle into an old country house with their father and wait for their mother to recover from an illness in an area hospital.
A heartbreakingly hopeful novel in verse about an Indian American girl whose life is turned upside down when her mother is diagnosed with leukemia.
Children ages 4-8 learn that in order to eat a single meal, it takes the whole world to make it.
On his eleventh career record, Lincoln Brewster offers an eleven-song project with dazzling guitars, profound lyrics.
Kindness is My Superpower: A Children’s Book about Empathy, Kindness and Compassion by Alicia Ortego
Teach your children the power of Kindness, one of the most important skills a child can learn.
Dianda found ReFrame Ministries’ French radio program and decided to give her life to Christ. Still, her conversion story is far from over.
A desire to know Jesus was born within her and never left.
We cannot cherry-pick one half of that verse and ignore the other half.
There are several layers inherent in your question.
Among the news stories, features, and columns most read on thebanner.org in 2021 are perspectives on vaccines, politics, race, and the CRC’s human sexuality report.
Cheryl Bostrom, an author and member of Sonlight Church, a Christian Reformed congregation in Lynden, Wash., published Sugar Birds in 2021. Christianity Today magazine named it among “the books most likely to shape evangelical life, thought, and culture” for 2022.
College at Southeastern, the undergraduate school of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, conferred degrees Dec. 15 to 24 inmates who were educated behind bars. It’s a growing American trend.
Mixed Media editor picks her favorite audiobook listens of 2021
Famous poet-detective of the PD James mystery novels returns to screen.
This debut novel by a CRC author has won multiple awards, including an honorable mention for the Christianity Today Book Awards.
How can we “let the light shine” even after the service is over?
Ambition can cause us to lose sight of the present and overlook the blessings God gives us each day.
The Christmas Quest invites readers, ages 2-6, to accompany the wise men on an epic treasure hunt as they follow the star in search of the King of the Jews.
An old-fashioned Christmas romance with a supernatural twist.
The Banner’s Mixed Media editor highlights her Top 2021 reads for spiritual flourishing.
Her face is written with pain and uncertainty as the doctor brings more pills.
There are some important guiding Reformed principles that could lead us to more convergence.
That would contradict the other ideas and practices of Jesus and the first Christians.